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Prime Day Treadmill Deals: Save $1000 on Bowflex, $600 on NordicTrack, and More

Prime Day is a lucrative opportunity to save big on fitness deals across Amazon, but it’s especially great for treadmill deals. These high-ticket cardio machines typically have price tags in the high hundreds or low thousands depending on the style of the machine, a range aspirational runners can’t stomach. For Amazon’s largest savings event, many of the top brands including Bowflex, NordicTrack, and Schwinn have slashed their top-rated machines by hundreds of dollars. 

If you prefer walking to running, there are also some excellent discounts on under-desk treadmills, treadmill desks, and even treadmills for four-legged friends worth perusing. SPY’s trained fitness editors have scoured the offerings for the best Prime Day treadmill deals so you can save while investing in your health and mile time. 

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$2,498.50 $3,599.00

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This is one of the nicest treadmills Bowflex makes, and it’s rare to see a discount more than $1,000 on anything with a ticket this high. It’s built with a 22-inch HD screen for streaming workouts from the JRNY fitness app as well as entertainment options like Netflix or Hulu. It maxes out at 12 miles per hour and can go up to 20% incline. 

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$1,039.00 $1,299.00

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This is a more basic model from Bowflex that’s also discounted 20% for Prime Day, making a more budget-friendly option even more accessible. It comes with a basic console for speed and incline changes as well as a tablet holder for streaming running workouts from any fitness app. It also has motorized incline controls, but only goes up to 15%. 

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$599.00 $799.00

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A bunch of NordicTrack treadmills are on sale, including this basic model which hits a record low price for the brand on Amazon during Prime Day. $600 for a treadmill of this caliber is a great deal, especially given that it comes with a 30-day iFit membership, a Smart Response motor for efficient speed increases and decreases, and EasyLift capabilities so it’s simple to fold up and store compactly. 

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$1,439.00 $1,799.00

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NordicTrack’s 9.5S treadmill is also discounted 20% for Prime Day. This is one of their most affordable luxe options, and comes with a few sizable improvements from the basic models. It’s a larger treadmill with a 20-inch x 60-inch platform, and it has a 14-inch HD touchscreen for streaming classes. It also folds up easily between uses. 

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$450.00 $999.00

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This is one of the steepest price drops on a treadmill so far during Prime Day. Exerpeutic is offering its treadmill desk for 60% off, dropping the price from $1,000 to just under $400. It has an extended 46-inch long treadmill belt for extra room for walking as well as a large desktop for accommodating a laptop, monitor, and other details. 

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$241.64 $284.28

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SereneLife makes excellent budget fitness gear, and this folding treadmill will get the job done for less serious runners who still want it as an option in their home gym. If you mostly use your treadmill to walk or as a warm-up for other exercises, this $250 option, discounted for Prime Day, is a great pick. It maxes out at 6 miles per hour and has a small digital LCD display for tracking key metrics. 

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$229.99 $399.99

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UREVO makes another mid-tier walking treadmill option that’s normally $400 but is discounted to just over $250 for Prime Day. It’s a super slim, compact option at only 4.2 inches thick and 47.2 inches long. It’s built with shock absorbers and has a noise level less than 45 decibels. 

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$297.00 $440.00

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UMAY makes slim, compact treadmills designed for walking at a standing desk rather than working out. This class of treadmill is much cheaper than fitness treadmills, and UMAY’s Under Desk option is even cheaper for Prime Day. It goes up to 4 miles per hour and has a belt built for shock absorption. 

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$319.20 $399.00

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The WalkingPad C1 folding treadmill can be folded in half and stored with an even smaller footprint than its competitors, making this a great choice for small apartments or living spaces. It’s only 2.2 inches thick and 37.5 inches long, so it’s a better option for shorter individuals. The speed is set with a remote control, but it has smart speed controls that adjust based on human trajectory, a feature that’s not seen in many models.